All about Kate (Dress-maker)

I spoke to Kate, the dress-maker who made my design, and who will be giving me lessions. asked a few questions just to get the sense of what she’s like, and this is what she said,:

I had enjoyed doing sewing and embroidery since a young age. I wanted to be involved in the fashion industry from when I was around 14/15. I bought a pattern and went ahead doing it myself. I ended up with a hand made school skirt, which further down the line I copied and made once more. After that, I used to go in shops and then go home and try my best to copy it. Sometimes with better results than others.

I managed to turn what started as a hobby, into a career. I will have a sketch from a designer and I will make the shapes that make the different pattern piece’s for the garment. I am doing some freelance pattern cutting at the moment, so can show you at some point if you like.

I have done so much sewing over the years, for myself and others, that I am competent enough to do things like your dress. I work from home at the moment doing alterations for people, which range from making items from scratch, to fitting wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses.

I would say the most challenging aspect to do as either a seamstress or a pattern cutter, is being accurate. Like-wise, if I don’t sew accurately, it can change the shape of what I’m sewing, and therefore won’t fit. It doesn’t seem like much, but yes you need to be experienced.


Trip to Majorca..


Billie Eilish…